Showing posts from July, 2009
Another common question I found in several user forums WITH cte AS ( SELECT USER_NAME ( p.grantee_principal_id ) AS principal_name , dp.principal_id , d…
Principal Server: SQL8 Mirrored Server: SQL 4 Pre-Requisites - Ensure that SQL Service /SQL Agent Services on all the machines start with the same domain account, otherwise mirroring wont work. Step…
Let's say the DBA ran a trace on a server and left for a long lunch, and the client server where the profiler is running is suffering badly with poor performance on the applications running on it…
You may have faced the issue of losing the SQL Server SA password. Perhaps you followed the security best-practice of removing the builtin\Administrators from the sysadmin server role, and no one …
1: CREATE SCHEMA new_schema 2: GO 3: -- Now run these queries one by one, copy and paste the result of this in a new window and run it 4: SELECT 'ALTER SCHEMA new_schema TRANS…
I found lot of questions on the missing in ability of SQL Server Express to automatically perform database backups/integrity checks/reindexing regularly with a Maintenance Plan. Since SQL Express doe…