Showing posts from July, 2011

Is TRUNCATE TABLE transactional ?

1: CREATE TABLE tTest ( i INT ) 2: INSERT tTest ( i ) VALUES ( 1 ) 3: INSERT tTest ( i ) VALUES ( 1 ) 4: INSERT tTest ( i ) VALUES ( 1 ) 5: INSERT tTest ( i ) VALUES ( 1 ) 6: 7: BEGIN …

How to remove blank line in SSMS “Find and Replace” dialogue

The answer is simple; in Management Studio go into Find and Replace (ctrl+H ) , in "Find Options" check "Use" and select "Regular Expressions". Now, in the Find what: …

How to find relationship between tables

As a DBA or even as a SQL Server Programmer, we may need a quick script to find relationship  between tables. Here is the script which helped me a lot, hope this will be useful for you too 1: SEL…

TSQL Function to convert decimal to Hex, Octal or any other base

Frequently I see the questions in newsgroups about a function to convert integer value to other bases like base 2 (binary), base 8 (octal) and base 16(hex). Following TSQL function, which was orginal…

TSQL Function to encode HTML Text

While browsing through the SharePoint content database, I found a very useful TSQL utility function which can be used in any application. This function encodes the given html so that it can be safely…

SQL Server Migration Checklist

Here is a quick checklist for your SQL Server Migration. 1. Build your New Server, Install SQL Server and required updates and keep the server ready for migration 2. Stop Application Service(s) a…
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