Showing posts from October, 2014

How to find SQL License type

Since SQL Server 2012 , you can find this information in the SQL Server Error Logs. Before SQL Server 2008 R2 there used to be some properties maintained  but is now unused Mode of this instance …

SQL SERVER – Fix – Error – Agent XPs component is turned off

Today I was working on updating operator emails on SQL Server and when i ran the script  it gave me given below error. SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'dbo.sp_update_operator' of c…

Database backup and restore history

Here is the script that will help you the database backup and restore histories SELECT TOP 10 b.database_name , BMF.physical_device_name as BackupFileName , B.backup_f…

Find all permissions for all users in the database

Here is the query that lists all the user permissions, you need to run this on proper database to list the permissions, You can also put a filter on user   WITH cteUserPermissions AS ( -- P…

SSIS Variables

Variables have been available in SSIS since first introduced in. They can be used for a number of different purposes: 1. Define the path of a package 2. Hold system information, such as e…

Temp Tables Scope in Dynamic SQL

I was recently came across a question in one of the user forums where  a stored procedure that required using both temporary tables and dynamic SQL.  Seems like user wasn’t aware of the fact that the…
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